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February 2020

Have you considered these Important Questions about abortion on demand? 1. Why is there a clear double standard: society stays quiet about abortions, whilst mourning miscarriages? I recently spoke to a couple who last year suffered the miscarriage of a 15-week-old boy. Both pro-life and pro-choice friends mourned with them and consoled them for the […]


January 2020

A special Two Part Series giving ten Pro-Life Answers to Pro Choice Questions Part Two  We can all struggle when answering the statements made by pro-choice campaigners. Meritxell, an experienced pro-life campaigner who travelled the city centres of Scotland as part of an educational pro-life roadshow called “Project Truth”, identified for us ten of the […]


December 2019

A special Two Part Series giving ten Pro-Life Answers to Pro Choice Questions Part One  We can all struggle when answering the statements made by pro-choice campaigners. Meritxell, an experienced pro-life campaigner who travelled the city centres of Scotland as part of an educational pro-life roadshow called “Project Truth”, identified for us ten of the […]


November 2019

“I’m personally pro-life, but…”  In a conversation about abortion, some people say, “I am personally pro-life, but I can’t tell anyone else what to do.” by Clara Auersperg, ProLife Europe What about other topics in today’s world? When hearing about knife crime, nobody would say:  “I’m personally against it but I would not judge someone […]


October 2019

The Commencement of HumanLife For a human life to exist on earth two things are necessary – there must be a physical human body, and that body must have been “ensouled” by God. It is the union of the soul with the physical body that enables humans to “self-realise”, to ask and seek answers to […]


September 2019

Miracles Miracles are events beyond our experience, our knowledge, our understanding, If we could understand how they occur they would no longer be miracles! So how can we understand them? The following analogy may help you to understand: Start by comparing our universe to a church organ. An organ is an instrument that has three parts. […]

family on summer vacation, mum dad and children

August 2019

Do you spend quality time with your family? Of all of the teachings of Jesus, the parable of the Good Samaritan is undoubtedly the most famous, known to Christians and non-Christians alike. This parable is, of course, about responsibility, about caring for others no matter whom or what they may be. Today, however, I want […]


July 2019

The Challenge of CHANGE •Although everyone acknowledges that the world has changed, it is probably not unfair to say that most people do not appreciate just how profoundly different things are today. We can all give examples of changes in the way things are today but, as Pope Francis commented, it is not so much […]


June 2019

In defence of unborn children On the 16th May, Gibraltar Pro-Life Movement held a Public Meeting to present ‘A Response to the Gibraltar Government’s Proposed Abortion Law Change.’ Karenza Morillo opened the meeting and mentioned that some members of the group had recently returned from the UK where they had taken part in the ‘March […]

May 2019

Click on the Issue you wish to read Dear readers, I am writing on behalf of the Mission 2020 Team with an update of some of the exciting events we have planned this year in the build up to the actual 2020 mission. Already in February we were so blessed to have had Fr. Gavin […]