Archive by Author

May 2019

Click on the Issue you wish to read Dear readers, I am writing on behalf of the Mission 2020 Team with an update of some of the exciting events we have planned this year in the build up to the actual 2020 mission. Already in February we were so blessed to have had Fr. Gavin […]



SAMUEL – God’s Special Gift This is the story of Samuel, a child with a mental disability and his encounter with Jesus, who became his very special friend.  Chapter 1 Samuel knew that something was very wrong or at least completely different from any other day. He had lain awake now for a very long time, he […]

School of Love Magazine Spread

The School of Love

JOHN PAUL II’S ‘THEOLOGY OF THE BODY’ AND THE BEAUTY OF GOD’S PLAN OF LOVE IN NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING AND NAPROTECHNOLOGY Dr. William Newton, Associate Professor of Theology, Chair of Faculty at the Franciscan University of Steubenville Austrian Program, Visiting Professor of Theology at the International Theological Institute, Trumau, Austrian, and Associate Member of Faculty, […]


Waiting for Gabriel

Timothy P. O’Malley, Ph.D. of Notre Dame Center for Liturgy is the Editor of ‘Oblation:  Catechesis, Liturgy, and the New Evangelization’ and ‘Church Life:  A Journal for the New Evangelization’ “Do you have children?”  For most thirty-somethings, this seemingly harmless question is the opening volley of a round of socially acceptable chit-chat.  Colleagues around the […]

Dear Friends

November 2013

God puts in the heart of every living person the desire for unending life and happiness. While death claims each of us at the appointed time, God gives us something which death cannot touch–his own divine life and sustaining power. In the Old Testament, one of the greatest testimonies of faith and hope in the […]